Let yourself be heard. With professional audio streaming.

Podcasts, videocasts, audiobooks, audio talks: Unleash the full potential of streaming audio with unlimited storage, seamless distribution across key channels, and powerful analytics.

Everything you need on one platform

Host your audio files in a central, secure location with unlimited bandwidth and storage.
automatic publication on YouTube, Spotify & Co.
With powerful analytics, you know exactly how your content is doing and can better understand your audience.
Monetize your content by advertising or offering premium content as a subscription to build a sustainable business.

Control them all Your podcasts, in one place.

Create content with ease with artificial intelligence

Benefit from text-to-speech AI to quickly make large amounts of text available as podcast content.
With speech-to-text AI, you can automatically add subtitles to your audio content and translate them into over 30 languages.
Increase visibility and search engine optimization with automated, accurate transcripts of your content.
With speech-to-text AI, you can automatically add subtitles to your audio content and translate them into over 30 languages.

Quick & secure deployment

Our podcast hosting “Made in Germany” ensures the security of your data. Thanks to our many years of experience and our own modern infrastructure at locations in the EU, your content is always secure and available at any time.