Live launch guide

What should happen before, during and after a live launch?

Are you planning one of your first live launches? You may have already been able to see for yourself how the whole thing works during the stream. As you plan, however, many more questions come to mind: How do you prepare for a live launch and what happens afterwards? Another interesting question: What else should you consider besides the actual launch? We'll explain it to you in our mini guide.

Everything depends on preparation

Of course, a general corporate strategy is always the basis and also the first clue for any action. Because it is not for nothing that the very first question you have to ask yourself is: “Does the measure fit my company's values and principles?” Once this question has been clarified, there are now two main and combinable ways to attract viewers.

Find brand ambassadors: If there is enough time until the launch event, you can attract suitable brand ambassadors for your company to increase brand awareness. The result is then only logical: The more people know the brand, the greater the number of potential viewers for your launch. At this point, brand ambassadors can be influencers, journalists and anyone with a large network.

Pre-launch campaigns: Pre-launch activities are also a good vehicle to raise your live launch into the field of vision of your target group and anchor it in their minds. For example, run entire pre-launch campaigns that create a tension curve. Here you can also accept registrations to participate and thus generate leads easily. To make registration worthwhile for viewers, offer early bird discounts at best. If it's a popular product anyway and the initial production is low in quantity, you can also use guaranteed pre-orders as a driver to log in.

Particularly important: Don't forget the press. With distribution in (trade) magazines, online media and newspapers, you build up even more reach. Before the actual launch, create a pre-launch press kit that you can send to influencers and all relevant outlets.

During the live launch, always remind yourself that this event is a big event. That's exactly why you should think big: It's the launch of your product — potential material for the cover of every magazine. To illustrate this relevance for the media, include the boss in the live launch, for example. To reach all viewers equally well, choose the right platform and tailor your message to maximize the reach and impact of your live stream. Hashtags, which are used during and exclusively for the live stream, are, for example, a possible tool to promote viewer interaction. Additional options you can take during the live launch include the following:

VIP access: Before the actual live launch, you can offer a supporting program to which only special and hand-picked viewers get access. This is how you show influencers, selected customers and the media that you care about you and promote loyalty.

Discounts and gifts: The engagement of your target group and viewers can be increased with discount codes or small goodies. For example, offer voucher codes for taking part in a small live survey or give away the live-launched product randomly among viewers who use your hashtag on social media.

Keep making noise even though the limelight goes out

After the live launch, many organizers are relieving a lot of tension. That goes without saying, after all, you worked on this event for a long time. However, so that the suspense of your campaign is not simply bottomless, we will finally give you a few ideas for maintaining the relevance of your product:

Video from the live launch: It's not too late for anyone who missed your event. Offer your event as a VoD and integrate it on your website, for example. Alternatively, you can also share the video via social media. In retrospect, you can still reach people from your target group who were unable to participate in the live launch.

Upselling campaigns: The classic way to do something good for your customers. For example, offer a suitable case for your new smartphone or a useful add-on to your new software.

Maintain and strengthen customer loyalty: If you've decided to sign up for the live launch in advance, don't wait too long to activate your leads. Here you can, for example, send out a remarketing campaign, the opportunity to participate in bonus programs or even a newsletter that keeps participants up to date. In addition, take into account the feedback from your (potential) customers, because this is the only way you can learn directly from the source for future offers.

As you can see, planning a live launch event isn't just about the appearance and timing of your launch. Instead, a live launch belongs in the toolbox, which represents the marketing mix in all its facets. So be inspired and use, for example, learnings from competitors to perfectly prepare and carry out your live launch and then make it really relevant again.

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