Videocast with Samuel Näf, Abraxas Informatik AG

Samuel Naef,

Why are you streaming? 

Abraxas Informatik AG is the leading Swiss provider of integrated IT solutions for the public sector. Headquartered in St. Gallen, the company connects the Swiss population, companies, authorities and administrations with secure and efficient services. Abraxas Informatik AG's customers include municipal administrations, cantons, police and other public administration organizations.

Samuel Naef, Communication Manager at Abraxas, explains in an interview with 3Q why they chose a streaming platform and what challenges they had to overcome during the selection process. They needed a comprehensive solution to manage their various video formats and ensure security and privacy. 3Q was ultimately chosen because of its granular security options, European servers, and the ability to integrate the platform with their single sign-on system. The company uses the platform for both internal and external communications, including live streams and video on demand.

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